Our devices are used in many industries, wherever it is necessary or advisable to ensure safety in the field of hygiene and protection against microbiological hazards.
We are passionate about our work. That is the source of innovation and professionalism for our products.
We are disciplined – that is the guarantee of not only the highest quality of our products, but makes us a predictable and reliable partner.
Those two seemingly simple principles together with trust earned over years allowed us to become the unquestionable world leader in sanitization (washing and UV-C-based disinfection) of 3D glasses for theme parks, cinemas, and museums. For us, every Customer is equally important – both before and after making purchase.
Sanitization means the health of all of us. That is why we offer products fully tested in terms of effectiveness and of quality confirmed by external tests and certifications.
We are not all-knowing. And despite establishing our own research laboratory we cooperate with leading biotechnology research facilities.
We are disciplined and driven by passion, and the phrase “We will either find a way or make one” leads us constantly for 35 years.
22.11 2020
What does it look like from the scratch? If you look way behind, it seems like people have always loved hearing touching stories that would expand their imagination.
22.11 2020
3D movie projections aren’t a novelty anymore – go to any cinema in the world and good chances are you will be able to see a 3D movie without any problems.